UKRAINE - How you can help
if you want to help Ukraine, there is a range of charities that you can support.
British newspapers "The Times" and "The Guardian" published lists of organisations that we can support. Here are a few:
- Ukrainian Charities:
Voices of Children: charity in the East of Ukraine (Donetsk and Luhansk regions), providing psychological, social and practical support to children who have been caught up in conflict or separated from their families.
- British Charities:
- International Organisations
Unicef: the United Nations humanitarian aid organisation focused on children’s welfare is accepting donations to ensure every displaced child receives the health, nutrition and water they deserve to sustain them.
The British Red Cross: your donation will help someone affected get food, water, medicine, first aid, warm clothes and shelter.
- Ukrainian independant press:
At Ribbies, we are doing our bit and will donate 5% of our profits to an organisation dedicated to children, Voices of Children.
Thank you!
Lucie x